Can You Buy an Extended Warranty After Purchase?

Casey Louw
Casey Louw
Extended Warranty Specialist
November 22, 2021
min. read
side view of a ford mustang with a cloudy blue sky in the background

You have had your car for a few years and you are now considering: can you buy an extended warranty after purchase? The answer to this question is yes. You can definitely buy an extended warranty on a used car. An extended warranty is also known as a Vehicle Service Contract and has the same meaning.

We offer the perfect platform for you to search for the best extended warranty provider. Input your car’s data into our search tool and it will generate the top extended car warranties for you from a variety of third-party warranty providers. You will be able to compare quotes and choose and buy an extended car warranty that suits you.

You Would Like to Buy an Extended Warranty on a Used Car

You are looking at your options of warranties. You can either purchase maximum coverage in a bumper-to-bumper warranty (also known as “exclusionary coverage”)  at a more expensive price or lesser coverage in a powertrain warranty at a cheaper rate.

When you buy an extended warranty / Vehicle Service Contract on a used car you need to take into account the amount of mileage you cover in your car per year. If you cover a lot of miles a year choosing a bumper-to-bumper warranty/ exclusionary coverage would suit your driving needs as the wear and tear will be greater on your car. If you don’t get a lot of miles in per year we would recommend a powertrain warranty which is more affordable.

The Cost to Buy an Extended Warranty

If you input your car’s data into the Chaiz Search tool you will be able to see several quotes from top warranty providers. We would like to use the example of a Ford Escape which is a popular car in America in 2021.

If you have a Ford Escape, Year 2016 with 63,000 miles on the odometer you can compare bumper-to-bumper/ exclusionary coverage and powertrain warranties.

Choosing a Bumper-to-Bumper/ Exclusionary Coverage Extended Warranty

For the example of a Ford Escape, Year 2016 with 63,000 miles on the odometer you can choose a bumper-to-bumper warranty.

For the bumper-to-bumper extended warranty option, CAPS (Capital Auto Protection) offers a bumper-to-bumper warranty called “Platinum” for $58 a month which covers the car for 3 years or 42, 000 miles. Omega Autocare offers a bumper-to-bumper warranty for $54 a month covering the car for 3 years or 60, 000 miles. Royal offers a bumper-to-bumper warranty for $53 a month called “Redline” covering you for 3 years or 45, 000 miles.

Choosing a Powertrain Extended Warranty

For the example of a Ford Escape, Year 2016 with 63,000 miles on the odometer you can choose a powertrain warranty.

For the powertrain warranty option, Omega Autocare offers a warranty called “Powertrain” for $59 a month covering the car for 3 years or 75, 000 miles. Royal offers a powertrain warranty called “Ignition” for $40 a month covering the car for 3 years or 45, 000 miles.  CAPS offers a warranty called the “XtraCustom” warranty for $39 a month covering the car for 3 years or 49 998 miles.

The coverage offered in the bumper-to-bumper and powertrain extended warranties for a used car differs in coverage and affects the price.

Is it Worthwhile to Buy an Extended Warranty on a Used Car?

So, you asked the question: can you buy an extended warranty after purchase? And the answer is definitely yes. It is a wise idea to buy an extended warranty after purchase. If you should run into a mechanical breakdown with your car, if you have already invested in an extended warranty for your car, the repairs will be covered by your warranty.

It is possible to buy an extended warranty after you purchase your car. It can even be some years later. Buying an extended warranty or Vehicle Service Contract after purchase is a wise idea. As your car ages the more likely it will be to run into the need for repairs due to general wear and tear.

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